Father’s Day Blog Series: Men of Pure Romance
Describe three responsibilities you take on to help out with the kids and/or your wife’s Pure Romance business.
1. When I am home, I take the kids wherever they need to go so that Summer–Rain has the quiet office time that she needs.
2. I do anything and everything around the house that can be done, from laundry to dishes to getting the kids tucked into bed.
3. When needed, I will help her in the office with labeling products, inventory / stock, and managing her books so that she can spend the most time doing what she does best: sales and recruiting.
What are your secrets to a successful marriage?
Putting each other above all, being open-minded and patient, and supporting each other’s careers and the decisions she makes.
What is something you admire about your wife – please explain/describe?
There is a lot that I admire about her. First and foremost, the love and care she provides to the kids and me, as a wife and mother. Everything she does in life is to support us as much as she can for our family. Second, her heart. No matter what the scenario, she is always helping others out. From family members, to friends and even complete strangers, she cannot say no, and helps them in whatever way she can. I also admire her determination and resilience. If there is a goal she wants to reach, its not a matter of “if” she will reach, it is a matter of how quickly she will get there. Earlier this year, our youngest son spent a lot of time in the hospital fighting for his life. At the same time, I was away at Officer Candidate School (officer boot camp) and had little contact to the outside world. We were both going through a lot, and were experiencing the most stress we ever have in our entire lives. Most people would turn inward and break down, not Summer-Rain. She found a way to stay positive and keep pushing forward. During the three weeks living in Walter Reed, she found a way to work, placing the necessary orders to stay active (and then some) as well as recruiting 16 new Consultants for Pure Romance. There is not a day that I do not wake up and am not inspired by everything she does personally as a wife and mother of three, and professionally as an Executive Director in the company.
Marriage in this modern-day-society can be a difficult thing to manage, especially when you are a hard-working businesswoman. What are some secrets that you practice in your marriage to build into your relationship? Obviously he’s a keeper!
I think that we practice a lot of little secrets that contribute to our successful marriage. Justin still opens the doors for me, I support his athletic lifestyle, we take time to spend not only with the kids, but we make sure to always find some quality alone time as well. The biggest secret we practice in our marriage starts with communication in the bedroom. This may sound strange but, we believe that if you aren’t communicating when it comes to intimacy in your bedroom, then you aren’t communicating everyday in your marriage. We know that divorce is largely caused by money issues and lack of intimacy. Thanks to Pure Romance, we are constantly working on bettering both of those categories. Three years ago, I didn’t think we would even be together; I was contemplating separation. I joined this company to make money to be able to support my two kids and me. Well, lets just say we product-tested our way to baby #3, and now we’re the closest we’ve ever been.
Do you have anything special planned to celebrate Father’s Day?
As of right now, we don’t have much planned for Father’s Day. We will probably be super lazy and go out to breakfast and then dinner to celebrate. Quality time is always our favorite way to celebrate holidays in our house…that includes Netflix, usually. But we may go and see a new movie!
You have screamed your husband’s name and made it obvious that he has been a wonderful supporter of you, your family and your business. Can you give me a story about how he has supported you?
This guy. He does everything he can to help me in my business! From office work, shipping packages, taking the kids to do activities so I can have some quiet office time.
When I would go away to conferences, he would take leave from work and keep the kids for five days himself. Or, like this past National Training in Cincinnati, he actually requested leave to be able to help me with our baby boy at the hotel so that I could still nurse and pump for him in between my classes. Not to mention, he drove us both ways so that I could sleep and be rested for Training. He prepped my team gifts and set up the room for our Team Pure Survivors get-together in our suite. I’m just amazed by him. He has his own life, his own career, things happening, and he still takes care of me and our three babies.
My thoughts: I’ve always maintained that relationships are like a beating heartbeat. We are going to have highs and lows, and these two have worked through the bad times to fully appreciate the good. Marriages sometimes fail because one person grows, while the other stays stagnant. However, both Summer-Rain and Justin work to make sure that they are emotionally and mentally moving through changes together. In being honest about the challenges they faced, Summer-Rain is showing us that she practices what she preaches. Not only is she helping others to navigate their intimate relationships, she’s showing us that Pure Romance has changed her life for the better, as well. And believe me, there’s no better way to teach others than by example.
Justin’s time is extremely valuable (especially working in the military serving our country!). He works to sacrifice time for her because he values her, and what she does for a living. He is showing through his actions how important she and their family is to him. Helping her with her inventory and home office, as well as with the kids is taking the burden off of her. Even getting the kids tucked in at night allows her to do a party and not feel guilt about not being there. When I first started as a Consultant over thirty years ago, I juggled being a single mother of four. I can tell you from personal experience that three babies under the age of six years old is a LOT of work; this isn’t even counting running your own business on top of that. They are so lucky to have each other’s backs and show their children how far committed parents and loving actions can take a relationship.
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