Join the Revolution

Blog Image (No Border)I heard a news story this morning about “Momorexia,” a condition that has emerged partly due to the media sensationalizing how fast celebrity moms lose weight after the birth of their babies. This coupled with unrealistic post-baby airbrushing of photos in the media directly affects the self-esteem of new mothers everywhere. Women are often forced to think about “how fast they can lose the baby weight,” instead of enjoying the first couple months of bonding with their newborn (that they will never get back!). Similarly, the tabloids often target female role models for being “fat” as they begin to put on natural baby weight during their pregnancy. Just on Good Morning America the other day, they did a segment on one mom who caused a stir when she posted a “Selfie” just four days after giving birth.

Exercise is important during and after a pregnancy, but it’s important that we also maintain realistic goals and create checks and balances when it comes to our body. This includes learning about healthy ways to stay fit throughout the process. We also have to take into account that our bodies are all different. If we all responded to the same health regiments, then the world wouldn’t be full of personal trainers and nutritionists, would it?

This is not just true when it comes to the changes a woman’s body goes through during pregnancy, but throughout life. On an episode of the Biggest Loser, a woman over 400 pounds was distraught after she didn’t reach her weight loss goal by the end of the show. She had, however, lost 209 pounds in one year – an amazing accomplishment. Not reaching her goal was a blessing in disguise because they were able to dig deeper and discover that she had an eating disorder. She went through treatment and not only continued to get healthier, but got to the root of the issue – something that might have never happened had they just focused on the physical aspect alone. In another similar case, a woman was being emotionally abused by her mother for years and resorted to emotional eating. She had to break the cycle in order to get healthy both mentally and physically.

It was a breath of fresh air when a friend recently forwarded a positive and inspiring article about a former Paralympic Swimmer and Positive Body Image Advocate named Jessica Smith. Smith recovered from Anorexia and Bulimia close to five years ago, and has since started a “Join The Revolution” social media campaign that works to promote self-love and positive reinforcement.  It’s truly commendable to see people working to stop future generations of women and men who first search for their faults when they look in the mirror.

When I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, I always strive to see the good, but I also am committed to holding myself accountable.  To me, this means, eating healthier, exercising and admitting those times when I haven’t taken the time to work on myself. Are you committed to being the best and healthiest version of you each day?

As empowered Pure Romance Consultants, we are helping women to build self-esteem and confidence in their relationships, but it doesn’t have to stop there. You have large groups of women at your parties and women confiding in you in the ordering room on a regular basis.  Continue to find ways to support them in feeling good about themselves and to help them make healthy decisions when it comes to being a better person – this could be as simple as making guests at your party feel more comfortable talking about their bodies, and encouraging them to hold themselves accountable, give back to themselves and help them to be the best they can be in every way. With the New Year just around the corner, let’s do our part to help others #JoinTheRevolution and lead the way to empowerment and self-love for generations to come!

Stay tuned, I will be talking about this soon…watch this video on hypocrisy in the workplace, labels against women.

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