New Month Resolution: Rock Your Look

Pure Romance Consultants Dressed Professionally.
Pure Romance Consultants Dressed Professionally.

Whether you are at the grocery store, the hair salon, the PTA meeting, or anywhere else, take the time to make sure you look presentable before you leave the house. This shows anyone you meet that you respect yourself.

I know the value of looking presentable first-hand.

When I first started doing in-home parties, I was a little afraid for my reputation. I didn’t want people thinking I was some sort of sexual deviant just because of what I did for a living. To compensate, I wore business suits—I can’t tell you how many times people told me I looked like a school teacher.

From the moment I walked in the door, the clothes I was wearing changed the perception of the women at the party. I dressed like a professional, and as a result, I was treated like one. My customers listened more intently and took the information I gave them to heart. I owe some of the credit for that to my wardrobe.

Before heading out in public, ask yourself these two questions: “Who am I?” and “Who am I showing the world I am?” Make sure the answers to these questions match.

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