My Life as a Working Mom

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Yesterday I had the pleasure of being invited by the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce’s We Share program to facilitate a roundtable with some of the brightest and most ambitious business women in Cincinnati. The topic of the discussion was balance and how to find a healthy way to incorporate it into your life.

One of the most common questions I was asked was how I was able to manage my business doing in-home parties while raising four young children.

For me, prioritizing time, maintaining organization, and enlisting an assistant when necessary were three things I did consistently. When I started traveling for trainings and conventions, I definitely missed my children. Not to mention there were weekends where I had five parties booked that I didn’t get to tuck them into bed or see their faces as often as I would have liked to, but the business also allowed me to take weekend vacations with them, attend their school and sporting functions and afford a club membership at the pool where we often spent many summer days. Like any business you had to find the balance and there was definitely the bitter and the sweet.

The key is to plan and define what your needs and your family’s needs are and remember your “why” during those moments. When I started to wonder if all of the hard work was worth it, I would look in the mirror and say, “Why are you doing all of this?” My answer was always clear and resounding; I worked my business to provide the best possible life for my children. I recruited other women often and provided them with the best possible training because I felt I was in a position to empower them financially, and in turn empower the women who attended their parties by giving them the best information out there to enhance their intimate lives. My “why” remains consistent to this day: I want to empower women intellectually, financially, and physically, and I want to provide the same opportunity to my children.

It isn’t necessarily how I did it; it is why I did it all. I have been able to educate and empower women and I am blown away by the amount of women I am able to reach now that my company has grown so large. When I was at my busiest I would think of my children and it would motivate me and ultimately led me to the success I have today. In the process, I taught all four of them the importance of holding on to a work ethic: I am happy to come to work every day now and see them diligently and passionately working for the same cause I have pursued over the past 26 years!

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