Modern-Day Cinderella

We’re a week away from Christmas and there are some procrastinators (you know who you are) scrambling to finish holiday shopping. The harsh reality is that some have no choice but to wait until the last minute. They have to wait for that next paycheck or will have to pay off maxed out credit cards from the holidays well into 2016.

Like most Americans in the work force, many of our Consultants are at some point in their lives, in the same boat. They are doing it all – juggling family, career, home and health. I remember times in my own career when I had to set money aside every month, starting at the beginning of the year just to ensure that there would be money for my children’s gifts.

This year, I wanted to spotlight a Consultant, Krystle Celeste, Screenshot_2015-12-02-12-07-00~2who has mastered the art of living within her means and still achieving her dreams. Krystle not only successfully manages everything she has going on in her life, but she has such a positive outlook in the way she does it. She recently won Pure Romance’s Superstar Cash Bonus (congrats!) and set the goal to renovate her kitchen. I asked her to share some of her tips for others who are looking for ways to live within their means, not make excuses, set goals, stay positive, and achieve their dreams. See below for my Q & A with Krystle.

What would you say to those who say you’re just “lucky?”

Life wasn’t always easy for us. The day that I had to tell my child that we could not afford to purchase milk was my breaking point. As a mother, how could I not afford to provide a necessity for my child? I worked the 9-5 job that I hated. I barely saw my son; I was short every month for bills and could not even afford to feed my child. Before I knew it, I ended up in such a bad depression. I felt lost and began to lose hope. It took a life-changing situation of almost losing my life to realize, life had to be better than it was.

I believe that you will be as successful as your next excuse. The position we choose to be in life is determined by our choices and attitude. I’m pushed by the fact that what I do now will be a reflection on my children’s future. My two oldest do not want to work for anyone; they want to be entrepreneurs!

Can you offer any tips on better money management?

My husband lost his job unexpectedly after Hurricane Sandy. It was just a few days before Christmas. It was a complete shock and I was so scared. I didn’t have a full schedule of parties making consistent money. I was spending faster than I was earning because my money management wasn’t that great.


A few weeks in to taking my business full-time, I set a goal to purchase my first home. I needed a vision, so my husband and I spent time driving around looking at houses in different areas. I picked out the exact development with the house that I wanted, although it was nowhere near my price range. It just so happened that my dream home went on the market and I needed to see this house. Of course, I fell in love and I wanted it. I had no down payment, not much saved, but I had someone who believed in me… ME! In three months, I saved enough for the down payment, closing costs, and even furniture. I purchased my first home, which was my dream home, all by myself. It was a dream come true!

It wasn’t long after that I paid off a new truck for our growing family, and then customized my kitchen! I wanted a lot of custom details, and the more things that I decided to add, the more parties that I booked to cover it. I promised myself that I would earn this at that moment and have a purpose – going into my savings was not an option. I DID IT! I designed and had my dream kitchen done, I paid for it without hesitation. It is full of glitter and sparkle, complete with custom floors, granite, glass and crystal – my kids call it my Cinderella kitchen.

What motivates you to succeed?

Success was great, but that isn’t what kept me going. What kept me going is getting the countless calls, texts and emails from women, thanking me for helping or saving their relationship. When I started, I had no idea how much helping other women really meant to me. The more that I realized how important I was to them, the more I wanted to do research, study and understand. Sexual Health is so important. We are not just the “toy ladies.” We are the ones that our clients trust, the ones that they confide in, and the ones that they go to for answers. We are the ones that help them to understand their bodies, which will help them to understand their relationships, their selves and their partners. Falling in love with this part of the business has pushed me to go back to school to study sexual health. I love every minute of it! I will be the first in my family to graduate from college and the best part is that my children will be able to watch me walk down that aisle.

Any final advice?

Joining something new can be scary. There is no one in the world that can change your life other than you. When you start to believe in yourself, everything becomes possible. Never give up on your dreams because someone else told you it wasn’t possible. Never lose hope because you got discouraged on a spare moment. Never lose your excitement or your passion; once you lose that, you lose your purpose. Always remember your reason for starting and realize you are a step closer to your goal because you made that initial decision to try. With effort, you will see results, with a positive attitude and the belief that everything is possible, you will HAVE IT ALL!!

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