2015 Late Summer National Training

While on a recent Pure Romance business trip to New York City, I visited The Metropolitan Museum of Art (better known as The Met), and was completely blown away by an exhibit called China Through the Looking Glass. There was a stunning Haute Couture Evening Gown created by a Chinese designer named Guo Pei that took my breath away. It was made of gold and silver silk, metal and sequins with beautiful embroidering. I stood in front of that dress for I don’t know how long, simply awestruck. I’ve always believed that constant exposure to creative people and new experiences like this are so important to our growth. No matter what my age, I’m always trying new things, traveling to new places, making new friends and connections – both in my personal and professional life. When it comes to our Pure Romance Consultants, our conferences, like the late summer National Training coming up next week in Las Vegas, are no different! They are an invaluable way to make sure you are continuing to be inspired and grow as a businessperson.

To those Consultants reading this blog, you will have the chance to hear from amazing speakers like Bryan Tracy (a top selling author of over 45 books and creator of the internationally acclaimed program on the Psychology of Achievement), Mary Christenson (recognized by Direct Selling Live as one of the Ten Most Influential Women in Direct Selling Worldwide), Darren Hardy (SUCCESS magazine’s publisher and Editorial founder) and David Bach (financial expert and prolific media contributor, as well as national best-selling author who wrote Smart Women Finish Rich) – just to name a few!

This is the first time Pure Romance will be back in Las Vegas in over three years! This city is always bustling, and filled with a special energy and excitement that is unmatched. Las Vegas restaurants, bars, hotels and casinos have recently started injecting oxygen into their venues to help patrons stay awake and keep going in such a dry desert climate, but something tells me all of you will be so excited, you won’t need much help in that department!

You will get to make and build life-long friendships with other Consultants like you, and learn new sales techniques and inspirational ways to grow your businesses. It’s also the perfect time to get motivated and motivate your team. Many who own their own businesses run the risk of becoming stagnant; continuing to attend these types of conferences ensures you will grow and break out of your every day Pure Romance routine.

This year we also have an amazing app that you can download on your smartphones called “Pure Romance Consultant Events” – all you need is your Consultant log-in to gain access to Consultant news, updates, and even a gallery of “Selfies” taken during the event.

For those of you who can’t make it to Las Vegas, be sure to attend your local team meetings so you can at least benefit from some of the late summer National Training takeaways from your sister Consultants who were able to take advantage of it. And remember: always, always, always stay a student!

Click below to watch just how much fun our Consultants had at the 2015 National Training earlier this year!


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