Sexy Ever After: Intimacy Post-Cancer

The start of October means more to me this year than ever before. Instead of simply celebrating the season, I’m celebrating the launch of a labor of love: Dr. Keri Peterson ‘s and my new e-book, “Sexy Ever After: Intimacy Post-Cancer”. And what better time to launch than during Breast Cancer Awareness month?

My greatest passion is helping women in any capacity that I can. I’ve been fortunate enough to channel that through Pure Romance, the Patty Brisben Foundation for Women’s Sexual Health, and through speaking engagements. Now, I have the opportunity to help women through a downloadable e-book that focuses on health problems that millions of women face every year: sexual dysfunction post-cancer. For years I’ve wanted to do something, as the Patty Brisben Foundation funded the largest study to date on young survivors of breast cancer. It found that 95 percent indicated that cancer had adversely affected their sexuality.

This number was unsettling, and ignoring it was something I could not do. With the information gathered and the inspiration of effected women, Dr. Keri Peterson and I started writing an e-book for how couples can overcome the impact cancer has on their ability to be intimate. I wanted to show people that it is possible to enjoy sex again, despite the obstacles.

“Sexy Ever After: Intimacy Post-Cancer” will not only help breathe new life into sex after cancer, it will help couples redefine sex. The e-book explores the most common types of cancer for both men and women; how these cancers affect intimacy after cancer; common symptoms men and women experience and step-by-step instructions on how to manage them; tips for living your best life with your partner (in and out of the bedroom!); and questions to ask your doctors, specialists, partners, and yourself.

I urge you to take a look at the e-book and share it with those close to you who have been affected by cancer. “Sexy Ever After: Intimacy Post-Cancer” is available at Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble NOOK, Kobo, and As my gift to you, for the month of October, you can download it from for free.


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