“Imagine…Then Do It”

I was so honored to be asked to participate in the 1st Annual “Imagine…Then Do It” event at the Mayerson JCC, Cincinnati, Ohio, today. The event was put on by Act Three an organization founded by Julie Shifman which focuses on helping women attain a compelling and exciting next stage of life.

My section of the event included a panel discussion with WCPO’s Carol Williams and Heather Ingle, a mother of 14 children (many of which are adopted and have special needs or mental or physical disabilities). There were over 200 women who registered for the sold out event and it was so refreshing being around so many women who were passionate about following their dreams no matter what stage of life. When I started Pure Romance out of the basement of my home I was in my late 30s and could never have imagined that this business would be touching as many lives as it is today. I am living proof that it’s never too late to dream and it was wonderful to be a part of an event that reinforced this message.

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