Dating Outside the Box

Spring is in the air and while people are busy dusting, polishing and airing out their homes during Spring Cleaning, many should be putting that same effort and energy into their own relationship! Often times in long-term relationships, it’s so easy to get caught up in our routine: getting take out from that same restaurant, heading to that same movie theater or lying around watching the same types of TV programs or movies after movies. You know who you are (wink). There’s a certain comfort in this behavior, but studies show that by engaging in new activities with one another you can activate the same types of endorphins that were prevalent in the beginning when your relationship was fresh and new.

This spring, try thinking outside of the box with some new date ideas that will get your blood rushing and have the two of you carrying some of that excitement back into the bedroom. Whether you’re sporty, artsy, active, romantic or cerebral, below are some great ideas for dates that may provide some alternatives to the traditional dinner and a movie route.

1. Instead of following the crowd and making reservations at the local restaurant, why not pick out a new recipe you and your partner have never tried and cook it together at home? Cooking can be sexy and fun and if you’ve ever seen the film 9 ½ Weeks you know there are some very creative ways to come up with dessert!
2. What do gardening and relationships have in common? They both need a great deal of nurturing to grow. One way to bond and create a special memory that will physically continue to grow is to plant a tree together, or a special fruit or vegetable garden. It may sound like hard work, but on a beautiful day it can be incredibly relaxing and you can always kick back afterward with a glass of lemonade or by cuddling in a backyard hammock.
3. Write down five things that you and your partner have never done together. Exchange lists and make an effort to do one thing each week.
4. There are fantastic specialty places where you can go to actually create and concoct your own recipe for a bottle of wine or perfume. Research other creative outings like painting and pottery classes which stray from the routine or the norm.
5. Engage in an offbeat sport like Frisbee Golf or Trap-shooting – the adrenaline from doing something so unique and off-the-beaten-path will create the kind of nervous energy that can build into something even more exciting in the bedroom afterward! Looking for something a bit more conservative? Biking or skiing are also wonderful active dates that can get those endorphins going and have you both feeling giddy and floating on cloud nine.
6. Unleash your inner child at a local arcade, game room or even just by swinging on swings at a local park. After a laundry list of responsibilities and To-dos, sometimes we just want to let go and reminisce on more carefree days.
7. Go for a couple’s massage or bring the massage into your home with Pure Romance’s soy-based Burning Desire candle with the Hot Heart Massager. Paired together they simulate a hot stone massage in the comfort of your home. Massage has also been noted to have therapeutic qualities and helps to open the doors of communication between couples.

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