Women’s Sexual Health: It’s a Good Investment

Most of us are fortunate in that good health care is available for most of us. But in some areas around the world, others are not so fortunate. And when it comes to women’s sexual health, in some places the options are even fewer.

You know that the Patty Brisben Foundation is committed to women’s sexual health, and especially serving women in areas of the world that are underserved. It’s not just the right thing to do—it’s the right investment to make.

The Guttmacher Institute published a study last year on the benefits of investing in sexual and reproductive health, and the reasons are clear: Fewer unintended pregnancies, fewer maternal and newborn deaths and greater control for women over their own reproductive lives.

The costs can be staggering, according to the study: Gaps in sexual and reproductive health care account for nearly one fifth of the worldwide burden of illness and premature death, and one third of illness and death among women of reproductive age. The study concludes that millions of lives and millions of dollars could be saved with cost-effective investments.

The Patty Brisben Foundation is helping fund research and is making investments that can save lives, but we can only do it with your help. Our 13th annual gala coming up on Saturday, October 13 is our major fundraiser to support women’s sexual health around the world. We can’t help women and save lives without you, and we hope that you can join us for a great cause. Find out more about the evening at pattybrisbenfoundation.org, and we’ll see you on the 13th!

Want to read more about the study on why women’s sexual health is a good investment? Check it out here.

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