Beating Stress During Stressful Times

Does it feel to you sometimes that the whole world has gone off kilter? It seems as if we had just absorbed the shock of the Texas hurricane, and now Florida is the latest state to be hit by a massive storm. Both areas face weeks, if not months, of cleanup and rebuilding. Add to that earthquakes in Mexico and wildfires out West, and you just want to scream, “Enough!”

You’re not the only one to feel stressed out in this stressful world. Whether it’s taking a walk, doing yoga or just taking a deep breath, all can help you de-stress during difficult times.

Debbie Gisonni, business coach and author, penned an article for our friends at the Huffington Post on “7 Ways to Cope When Times Are Tough.” Among her suggestions are:

  1. Be Grateful. “There is something to be grateful for in every minute of every day,” Gisonni writes. “When you make a list of everything that’s great in your life, your one problem may not seem so terrible.”
  2. Call upon friends. “Research shows that social connections have a positive effect on well-being,” according to Gisonni. “Reach out to friends and let them know what you’re going through.
  3. “Laughter is as much of an emotional release as crying,” she says. “Give yourself permission to laugh, even when times are rough.”

I’d like to add to that, give yourself permission to have a little ‘me’ time. Whether it’s soaking in the tub with our Skinny Dip Body Wash & Bubble Bath or enjoying some Body Silk Skin Moisturizer, take a little time to pamper yourself. The extra 10 minutes you give yourself can help you recharge to face the day.

To all our friends facing challenges out there, we want you to know that we are thinking of you. And you can read more of the article at

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