HEATHER DOLEN: Pure Romance Moms Who Do It All!

In honor of Mother’s Day this Sunday, I’ve been featuring Consultants who have done an amazing job balancing motherhood and their careers with Pure Romance. Each day of the week leading up to Mother’s Day, I will be spotlighting a Consultant’s point of view and on Mother’s Day, I will share my own thoughts on maintaining balance – because when it comes to family and work, I do believe it’s possible to have it all!


Heather Dolen (Columbia, SC) – When this wonderful woman came on board and I met her for the first time, one of the things she let me know immediately is that she is a Mom who is really invested in her family and her children; she loved that her Pure Romance business allowed her to be present as a mother and pursue a career. She also made sure to let me know that I might not have known who she was then, but I will know her face and name soon enough – she made that goal a reality in a very short amount of time, and just this year it gave me great joy to award her the promotion to the Executive Board! I chose Heather for this Mother’s Day blog series because she is a wonderful mother who manages an abundantly successful business. I admire that when Heather looks at her business, she is looking at the success of everyone on her team. Her sales numbers prove her charisma and expertise, and the depth of her Downline showcases her skills as a true leader and businesswoman. To think that she manages all of this, and a healthy marriage while raising two growing boys! She exhibits the qualities it takes to be truly successful in life, and she will leave a legacy in this world through her children, as well as her Downline. Business aside, Heather is the same loving, funny and caring person I met so many years ago – she hasn’t let her success get in the way of her amazing character.

                        A quote I live by: 

IMG_7978Tips to keep a balanced life: Balance, you say? What is that? Ha, Ha, I am not really sure if there is such a thing as a perfect balance, but we love our daily grind and it works well for us!


Pure Romance is a lifestyle for my family and me, and I am just thankful that I can have a career that allows me to call all of the shots and work the hours I choose! I may hold parties on the weekend, but I also have the power and say-so to take any time off that I want or need at any time! Almost three years ago, I decided to take a huge step with my business and my husband and I decided he should resign from his 20+ years career to work at home with me. He makes such an awesome assistant and is now able to enjoy taking care of our boys, getting them ready for school during the week, and being able to chaperone field trips! He takes care of so much for the business and our household! Then there’s the fact that he is a morning person so this works awesome for me, as I am a night owl! He keeps me organized and does a great job managing the day-in and day-out duties, so I would have to say that it is both of us that keep our family and business as balanced as it is! One of our favorite perks is knowing that if we need or want to, we can drop things at a moment’s notice to enjoy a vacation, night or two away, or help to take care of anything that needs our immediate attention. We love the flexibility and real-life freedom!



Heather has two kids, ages 16 and 12, named Nicholas and Hayden. She has been married to Shawn Dolen for 17 years.

A story about motherhood and business: One evening Shawn and I and our 16-year-old and 12-year-old were out to dinner. It was one of those rare occasions that actually I had not YET told the waitress what I did for a living. My kids know that most of the time when we are out in public that mom always tells others about what she does…so after friendly conversation (and around her 3rd visit to our table), she walks away and my 12-year-old, Hayden, asked me why I had not given the waitress my business card and told her about Pure Romance!? HUH? She had already told us in a previous conversation how she was planning to move herself and children in a few months to be closer to her family and my SON suggested to me how “she could take her parties with her wherever she went, and that she could find more Pure Romance ladies to have fun and be friends with!” I was floored that he reprimanded his own mother for not giving her pitch!

Yep, my jaw dropped, my heart melted, and it was total confirmation to me that even he understood the passion, drive, and the depth of what his mom really does. Of course I had to give her my business card the next time she came to the table! By the time we paid the bill, she was ready to book her own party and discuss the career opportunity, too! It really makes me proud to see and experience how my husband and I show our kids constantly to love what they do (whatever that may be) in their future, to find their passion, be stable and consistent, and always try and help others by paying it forward!

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