Fifty Shades of Grey & the Modern Woman

At Pure Romance, we’ve had a rush of party bookings in the past two months, all thanks to the growing popularity of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. Party guests chat all about the books, buy Ben Wa Balls because of the novel, and want to know more about bondage and S&M. Embracing sexuality is reaching a larger scope of women now, and I couldn’t be happier with this most recent boost in women’s sexual morale.

What Fifty Shades of Grey is doing is opening up women’s eyes, sexually. They want to get their mojo back, want to embrace the feelings they already have but may have been too shy to acknowledge, or want to try something new entirely. There is the whole “comfort in numbers” to this wildly popular series that’s encouraging women everywhere to open up and freely discuss sexuality. A woman tells her friend about it, and then her friend reads the book. She enjoys it, knowing her friend enjoys it as well. The mutual intrigue is stemming from the mindset of, “It’s OK for me to like this because other women like this, too. I can give myself permission now because I’m not alone.”

It’s almost a reawakening; the concepts are nothing new, but S&M, bondage, and a female’s sexuality are on the forefront of people’s minds right now. Women are recognizing that these desires and this awareness are healthy! It’s perfectly normal to be curious, want to experiment, and to talk about these desires with your partner.

I’ve always known that women and their partners have these desires, which is why I’ve made sure to include fun, safe, and sexy products that are in alignment with these sexual cravings. Below are my top five tips to experimenting with bondage and S&M:

1. Talk about your curiosity with your partner to see if he or she would be open to experimentation. Have an open, honest conversation, and do some research together. It’s perfectly normal to giggle throughout the research phase!

2. Once you’ve started experimenting, have a “safe word” if things become a little too hot and heavy. It’s also wise to regularly check in on your partner’s comfort level.

3. Remember it’s all about the pleasure of losing and gaining control! Embrace one or both roles—switch on and off with your partner, if you’d like!

4. Experiment with some Pure Romance products. Try one or all: Tie Me Up Tape, Ben Wa Balls, Tickle & Whip, Vanilla Bondage Kit, Cozy Cuffs, or Burning Desire.

5. Have fun! Remain within your physical comfort levels while giving something new a try!

(Image Source)

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