Embracing the Journey

Our lives are journeys along which we are constantly learning. Sometimes the lessons we learn along the way are for ourselves—something to work on, learn from and grow. And sometimes, the lessons we learn along the way are for the betterment of others. We learn something to make us happier or better from the inside out, so our day-to-day lives are filled with gratefulness. We can also learn something that helps us serve those around us better. Whatever these lessons may be it is imperative that we listen to them.

Over the past few days, I have had the opportunity to watch thousands of women come face-to-face with their current lessons to be learned. Pure Romance’s National Training takes Consultants to a place of self-reflection. It makes women think, “What can I do better this year? What did I do last year that I can improve upon?” Training allows women to hone in on one thing at a time, whether it is to grow their business or sell more product.

Two intense days of classes help women reflect on themselves as businesswomen. These days let them think about how they can affect change in their sister Consultants as well as the lives of the people whose homes they enter. The fact that our business gets into the hearts of our customers is a truly unique aspect of Pure Romance that sets us apart from other businesses. The most beautiful part of all this is that everyone walks away with something different she needs to work on, or it gives her something else to ponder. Whatever this something is, it plays an important role in the story line of where she is along her journey.

By attending National Training, Consultants have only scratched the surface. Consultants, now is your time to delve deeper into the lesson that you need to learn. Think about, “Why this time? Why this certain aspect to perfect? How can I improve this?” Take time to explore the whys and hows of this moment and lesson.

On this wonderful, tumultuous, unpredictable journey known as life, we are faced with so many obstacles that it’s easy to try to ignore them so we can continue on with our busy lives. It’s important, though, that you stop and pay mind to the challenge right in front of you—it’s there for a reason. There is a time for everything in our lives, and now is your time to strengthen yourself in whatever area your instinct is telling you. If you were at National Training, whatever left you thinking the most is what you are to work on and cultivate.

Each of us is to experience our own challenges, battles, and triumphs in our own time. It’s now up to you to fully embrace this moment and your lesson—whatever it may be.

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