You Want Me to Do What??!

Everyone at one time or another has probably had a partner ask them to do something sexually in (or out) of the bedroom that may cause some to raise an eyebrow. Moreover, if they haven’t said it to you, chances are, some sort of fantasy may have crossed their mind one time or another. There’s nothing wrong with a little adventure in the bedroom and it’s important to keep the doors of communication wide open, without being too harsh or judgmental if they are proposing something that is not your cup of tea. Life is a journey so why shouldn’t your love life be one, too? If we went through life or sex with the same old, same old every day we take the risk of letting things get a little stagnant. However, just because they’re asking doesn’t mean you have to say yes to everything. Take your time in considering what experiences are most comfortable for you and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Below are some requests you or someone you know may have heard in the past!


*Use a bedroom toy in front of you?

*Meet you at the airport with nothing on but a trench coat?

*Role play with you?

*Talk dirty to you in bed?

*Watch porn with you?

*Get it on in the great outdoors?

*Use food as foreplay?

*Give you an erotic massage?

*Go Commando to a fancy restaurant?

*Join the Mile High Club?

*Have sex with you in a public place?

*Skinny Dip in a hotel pool?

*Play out a fantasy?

*Have sex at the in-laws’ house while visiting over the holidays?

*Do a striptease over a webcam?

*Do it in the ocean?

*Give you a lap dance?

*Masturbate in front of you?

*Make you breakfast in bed naked?

*Have phone sex next time you are traveling for work?

*Give you a lap dance in nothing but my stilettos?

*Use a wireless bullet at a 5-Star restaurant? Throw in some panties with a built in pocket to make this a hands-free experience!

*Be your love slave for an entire night?

*Meet you at lunch for a ‘nooner’?

*Have dinner on the table when you get home and be wearing nothing but an apron?

*Make love to you on your desk at work?

*Install a sex swing for a late night rendezvous?

Below are some popular requests that could have some negative consequences if you don’t take the appropriate precautions!

*Allow you to handcuff me to the bedpost and have your way?
This is one request that takes incredible trust. You don’t want to put yourself in a vulnerable position. It may sound seductive; however, if you don’t know this person very well, you are putting your safety in jeopardy.

*Make an X-Rated sex tape or take naked photos of me?
Videotaping sex or taking nude photos have a way of coming back to haunt people. One only consider all of the sex tapes that have leaked within the celebrity circuit, not to mention, some of the ugly things people can pull from up their sleeves during a divorce or custody battle. Unless you want to take the chance of your video or photos ending up on the internet or published, you may want to think critically about this one.

*“Sext” or email you naughty pictures from my phone?
While this can be extremely sexy don’t forget that there’s always the possibility that someone else could pick up your partner’s phone. Also, if you haven’t reached a level of serious trust, there is always the danger they can forward any threads so choose your words and ‘sexts’ wisely!

*Try anal sex?
Anal play must be a mutual, consensual, well-thought-out decision made by both partners and should always be accompanied by three important things: communication, relaxation and lots and lots of lubrication! Lubrication is extremely important because the anus does not naturally lubricate; without the use of a lubricant, anal play can be very uncomfortable, possibly leading to irritation or tears. The type of lubricant you want to use is Pure Pleasure, Pure Romance’s silicone-based lubricant, due to its long-lasting qualities. You also want place a condom over anything that is going to be inserted into the rectum, to protect against bacterial infections. Remember to never go from the anus to the vagina, as well.

We also carry a product called Booty Eaze. Booty Eaze is a benzocaine based product that can numb the opening of the anus prior to any anal play. For an individual who is nervous about any pain experienced during anal penetration, Booty Eaze is a product that can help achieve relaxation and comfort. Pain from anal penetration usually occurs when an individual is not relaxed and is tensing the anal muscles. Pure Romance also carries a product called Super Stretch that is open-ended and can act as a buffer to ease penetration.

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