Get By with a Little Help From Your Friends

I recently got a call from an old friend who had just come out of a long-lasting relationship; she confided that she had let herself fall out of touch with all of her friends and now felt more alone than she had felt in years.

My heart truly went out to her, yet, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this happen within my girlfriend’s relationships. So often women will put everything into their significant other and that’s all fine and wonderful. After all, you should always prioritize your partner, but it’s so important to continue to maintain your independence and the friendships that have supported you prior to your relationship. This will not only ensure that you will always have a strong support system, but it will also help you and your partner to have a healthy balance. Friends allow you to nurture your individual interests and hobbies, as well as help you grow in ways that your significant other may not. In addition, it encourages you to spend time away from your partner. Every relationship can certainly benefit from creating a balance between autonomy and connection.

You have to invest time and energy and maintain your significant relationships, regardless of whether they are romantic or platonic. If you do find that you are suddenly single and have let most of your friendships fall to the wayside, below are some suggestions on ways to meet new friends. Just remember to maintain those friendships the next time you fall head over heels in love.

In addition, if you find yourself in a situation where you have shared a group of friends with your ex, then it may also be healthy to venture out and spend some time with new friends.

  • Join a Ladies’ Gym or if you already belong to a gym, partake in a weekly fitness class
  • Volunteer with a local charity or women’s group
  • Host a Pure Romance party; this is another great way to meet girlfriends because guests will often bring along additional neighbors and friends
  • When you find a new friend, share a group activity so she can introduce you to her circle of friends
  • Attend women’s business seminars or local professional networking events for women

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