Starting a Conversation about Your Sexual Health

Recently I was making a presentation at a training session for our Pure Romance Consultants and was asked about my first party and how things have changed over the last 20+ years.

Good question but tough answer, I thought.

Many, many things have changed but many things have stayed the same.

Libido_FB_10-16The one constant I have seen over the years is the need to talk about sexual health in a safe environment and informative manner. Many of you know that I started out as medical assistant working for a group of pediatricians so I have always felt comfortable talking about the human body.

As we begin the new year, I want to use this space on my blog and Facebook page to begin a conversation with you about sexual health.
I will share my thoughts and opinions with you, and will also invite my medical board of directors, who provide counsel to the Patty Brisben Foundation for Sexual Health, to weigh in on issues. Our hope is that we can really start the conversation and provide our Consultants and customers with the most up-to-date information in this field. As many of you know, Pure Romance is not just about selling a bedroom toy, it is about prospering relationships and this begins with your relationship with yourself. It’s about knowing your body and making your health a priority.

We will share information here on Mondays beginning next week to address hot topics about sexual health.

I encourage your comments, questions and perspectives as we begin this journey. And I really look forward to keeping the conversations going so we can all learn and move forward together.



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