Always Stay a Student

I know many of you have heard me say a thousand times how important it is to stay a student, but I will say it again, when you think you know everything, that’s when you are only setting yourself up for failure. Every day I strive to learn something new and at Pure Romance we are always offering events, contests and trips that give Consultants the opportunity to do the same.

Most recently, Pure Romance just hosted a Consultant Incentive Trip in Naples, Florida, which focused on rewarding some of our up-and-coming Consultants. The company has five tiers or levels that Consultants strive to reach when building their business, and for this trip, we concentrated on the first two levels. There were some women who were brand new to the business and hungry to grow, while others had been with Pure Romance for years, and saw this as an opportunity to take their business to the next level.

I was so impressed by their drive and determination to soak up as much information as possible. It was a diverse group hailing from all over the US and on the first day of the trip they were understandably sitting back safely in their own worlds; however, by the end of the trip they were a close-knit group, networking with one another and building strong friendships and camaraderie that will no doubt last long after the trip has ended.

Pure Romance is very much like a family and as the parent company to our Consultants, we are committed to finding ways to make their businesses easier for them. This is part of the reason we love to bring the Consultants together so they can take away techniques and skills from one another that they may have never thought of before. The ultimate goal is to build teamwork and a support system that extends further than just their Pure Romance business.

I especially love our incentive trips because it gives me one-on-one time with our representatives and I enjoy getting the opportunity to get to know them better. We had several dinners where they were able to go straight to the source on some of their most important business-building questions and just share a little information about who they are, why they love what they do and how Pure Romance has changed their lives. We couldn’t be more grateful for our 40,000 plus Consultants and as long as we are in business they will always be our first utmost priority.

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