Giving Back

It’s no secret that I’m passionate about Women’s Sexual Health. Other causes that have peaked my interest include Alzheimer’s research and support, as well as the inner city school system. When Pure Romance first moved its office to downtown Cincinnati, I started hearing stories about children who were not eating after they left school, or who were not getting the support they needed. This really bothered me, and our staff jumped at the chance to adopt a classroom of children who we visit regularly and show constant support. It is such an awesome experience for us because we are not only helping others, but have the opportunity to see and appreciate another side of our employees, outside of the working environment.

We have so many chances to set an example for those around us; I taught my kids early on the importance of giving back. I wanted them to feel connected with the community and help them realize that there was something bigger than themselves – to see what our values are and how it important it is to give back. By committing to give each year, you are setting an example for your own family and everyone around you.

As we approach Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, as well as what some call “fundraiser season” this fall, ask yourself: What is it that gets you fired up and ready to make a change? When you are running a successful business, you should always commit to giving a percentage back every year. There are so many reasons to do this: the most important is that it’s helping others and giving back (and feels good to do so!), and it also helps get your name out in a positive light. IMG_7009Many don’t know where to start –it can be as simple as picking your favorite foundation and donating a silent auction with Pure Romance pampering, massage and communication gift basket (don’t forget to include your business card!). Be sure to keep the letter from the foundation for your donation because it can be used for your tax deductions at the end of the fiscal year.

Many ask me if I did this when I was a Consultant, and the answer is yes. I truly believe that when you do good, then good will come back to you. We’d love to hear your stories about how you’ve given back and what you’re doing to give back this year. Please share your comments here!

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