Annual Training and Book Signing on Fountain Square

I couldn’t have asked for a better experience for my very first book signing on Fountain Square. Who would have thought they would have seen the day that a bedroom set would be placed dead center on South Square in Conservative Cincinnati – it truly looked like a scene taken directly from the cover of Pure Romance Between the Sheets. After meeting with a couple local reporters to update them on the latest ventures at Pure Romance, I took my place at a beautiful desk surrounded by white lattices. To my excitement, there was already a line wrapping around the square waiting to meet me and have a copy of their book signed; I halfway assumed that the line would simmer down, but to my surprise and excitement, the line not only got longer but stayed that way well past the scheduled end of the signing. My staff was sweating bullets anxious to get me over to Duke Energy where I was set to be on stage in less than an hour, but I was determined to give every single person the time and attention they deserved after their long and patient wait. I would have stayed until midnight if that meant that every book would be signed that day. What a wonderful feeling to have so many people turn out to show their support – I can’t thank all of you who attended enough!

There was such an overwhelming demand that I ended up signing books through lunch every day throughout the rest of our Annual Training and to see the excitement on all of our Consultants’ faces was well worth every single second. One Consultant had a stack of books so high that I had to peer around the pile just to make eye contact! Between the success of our Training and the turnout at all of the book signings I am truly on cloud nine this week. I can’t wait to do my 2nd book signing in Atlanta this week where I’ll be posted at 7:30pm in the Barne’s & Noble in Buckhead. Hope to see many of you there!

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