Father’s Day Blog Series: The Men of Pure Romance

Albert and Christina met on a plane in 1993 and just celebrated 21 years of marriage in May. They have two children: their son, John, will be 20 in August and attends Auburn University; their daughter, Olivia, is 18 and will be attending Volunteer State this fall  They reside in Bell Buckle, TN.

Describe three responsibilities you take on to help out with the kids and/or your wife’s Pure Romance business.

1. We live in a very rural area so it takes one full week for Christina to get her products delivered. I went ahead and looked into having her orders shipped in town to her parents’ house, which gets it to us within three days. I now get notifications on my phone from UPS when the orders are delivered and pick them them up.

2. I’m always hands-on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Since day one, her team meetings have been at our home. I can remember when she started and she would have her only recruit over for dinner! Now, three years later, we had to literally move furniture out of the living room to make room for 44 of her team members! Whether it’s grilling hotdogs, offering refreshments or just cheering on the girls during recognition time, I’m there! Her team is like our extended family and we want them to know that!

3. With Christina traveling to parties, meetings, trainings or conventions I always make sure my work schedule revolved around my responsibilities to the kids and our home. I go in a few hours earlier so I can be there to maintain a routine for our family.

What are your secrets to a successful marriage? 

Doing all the little things together is important. She’s my best friend so everything from grocery shopping, cooking or spending time outside gardening – we’re doing it side by side.

What is something you admire about your wife – please explain/describe?

I admire the fact that she went from being a housewife to a successful business woman in a blink of an eye. When she puts her mind to something, look out! And even though her business keeps her very busy, she always puts me and the kids first, and never makes us feel neglected. I don’t know how she does it, but she’s pretty good at juggling everything and keeping it all going!


Marriage in this modern-day-society can be a difficult thing to manage, especially when you are a hard-working businesswoman. What are some secrets that you practice in your marriage to build into your relationship? Obviously he’s a keeper!

Communication is Key! We are both products of divorced families so over time we realized that if our intention is to stay married for life, we have to be really clear with our thoughts, feelings and choose our words wisely. When possible, we make every effort to eat our meals together, sitting around a set table – no television, no phones. Eye contact and conversation is vital to a healthy marriage. Should I be traveling during the week, we are sure to check in with each other several times a day. We also align our goals, whether personal or family, and we work together to meet them head on.

Do you have anything special planned to celebrate Father’s Day?

My son is coming in from college for the weekend and we’ll have my parents over.  I’ve set up an early Tee Time Sunday morning, and after a round of golf the guys will come home to a great feast that my daughter and I prepared! We’ll then just sit around and watch old home-movies: the perfect ending to a perfect day.

You have screamed your husband’s name and made it obvious that he has been a wonderful supporter of you, your family and your business. Can you give me a story about how he has supported you?

The first thing that comes to mind is accompanying me every year to the PBF Gala. We both work odd hours so we don’t get many weekends together and his vacation time is precious since his parents still live in upstate New York.  For him to realize how near  and dear Patty’s Foundation is to me speaks volumes! He now has a separate savings jar that he contributes to all year long so he can bid on the silent auction to show support to the cause! This year we are going in a day early just so I can give him a tour of the corporate office downtown! I love that he is “ALL IN” when it comes to Pure Romance!

My thoughts: I will never forget when I first met this amazing couple. Christina and her husband approached me at a Patty Brisben Foundation for Women’s Sexual Health Gala and were brimming with excitement and passion for the Foundation. It was touching to see two people so genuinely dedicated to the cause.

Reading through these responses – I absolutely loved seeing the enthusiasm Albert has for Christina’s business. When he talked about grilling and offering refreshments to her team during their meetings – he is as excited as she is about her passion for her career, and is truly her biggest “cheerleader.” There are some men out there who would feel threatened if their significant other chose to work outside the home; yet, in this case he celebrates her drive and respects who she is as an individual!

These two have the right idea about cherishing the little things in life. Christina hit the nail on the head when she stressed that communication is the key to a successful relationship. Just by reading their responses you can tell they sat down and set the ground rules together at the start of their relationship. They knew going into it the level of respect and support they need from each other to make it work.  They have a strong marriage that has lasted over two decades! And a side note: the year they met is also when I started Pure Romance so I’d call that a lucky-in-love anniversary! 🙂

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