
It’s an exciting new chapter for Pure Romance, as we launch our new line called Blush. Every year I take stock of our products, and work with our talented team to ensure that we continue to grow and always offer the absolute best. Over the last couple years, I found myself walking into our Product Room and scanning our liquid line (with award winning cohesive packaging) over to some of our bedroom toys and feeling that some just didn’t share that same consistency.

There were some toys that I found myself scratching my head thinking things like, where do the batteries go? If I (someone who works with these products every day) couldn’t easily figure it out, then I couldn’t imagine how confused some of our Consultants and consumers could be.  I wanted to streamline those items, spell out the instructions and take the guesswork out of it. I also never want anyone to feel like they couldn’t recognize if something was from Pure Romance, and creating consistency in the future is a big part of that. That’s when I decided to take our Consultants and customers on a new journey and Blush is the first step on this exciting ride.

I love the word blush. Many think blushing is a sign of weakness, but to me, it’s about evoking a feeling within and telling the world we feel something! The heat rises from our body to our flushed cheeks, and we are overcome with the tingle and excitement. A blush means our hearts are still beating and that we are alive. And most of all, a blush is flirtatious – and what would Pure Romance be without a little flirting?

Another reason I love the Blush line is because it includes all of our staple products. They are the best sellers that many gravitate toward when they are attending a party for their first time.  When people see this line, they will know it’s Blush and they will know it’s Pure Romance.  It will go without saying, and that fires me up like no other!

Do not think this journey stops here! Some people look at change as a negative, but it’s a natural part of life to evolve and grow.  This is about being challenged, growing, staying a student. I truly believe that we will live fuller, more prosperous lives if we embrace change and realize that nothing is ever meant to stay the same; if it does, we (and our products), will never be better. And believe me, we will never let that happen!

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