2015 National Training

April 17th – 19th is Pure Romance’s National Training – one of my absolute favorite events of the year. I’ve always loved this conference, even when I was a Consultant over two decades ago. Why? Because I understood that there is ALWAYS room to improve and learn, and before your team can be motivated, you have to be truly motivated. There are so many reasons that National Training continues to inspire me year after year; below are a few of my personal favorites.

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  1. For those Consultants who will be attending for the first time this year, make sure you come prepared. When I attended my first conference, I went with a checklist of things I needed to improve upon. For example, there were products that I just didn’t seem to sell well. I listed the ones I sold through the roof, and those that I just couldn’t move for the life of me. This helped me to really evaluate my inventory and technique, and plan ahead when it came to which speakers I wanted to see or approach. I still continue to think like this even when I attend conferences with the corporate office, such as the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH).
  2. I would always keep a pen and paper handy – I didn’t rely on my memory to hold so much information. I came home with note-after-note-after-note! The first two months I was a Consultant, my sales were so great that I was awarded my first incentive reward: a lighter (I didn’t even smoke!). But I didn’t care, because it felt good to be acknowledged, propelled me to move my business forward and made me reach for even bigger goals in the future. My first conference was in 1984 and guess what? By 1985, I more than doubled my sales! I applied everything I learned during that conference and I was able to reach the goal of being one of the top five in sales within a year; that’s the beauty of holding on to and absorbing all the information.
  3. For me, it helped to see what I could really do with this business. I met people who helped me not only prepare to build a team, but also challenged my sales techniques and help me understand my products better. It was motivating for me to meet the people who had succeeded, including some of the top Consultants in the company. To this day, hearing their success stories is still the best part of it for me. It was a sister Consultant who taught me to not work harder but smarter!
  4. National Training raises awareness. It gave me new information to present at my parties. Today, we are proud to have a lineup of the world’s best speakers who help our Consultants reach all of their dreams, whether it’s bettering themselves as businesspeople, or helping you to funnel more knowledge to people at your party. Everyone can take away something different – some will learn more about their body, others, how to communicate more effectively- it’s so important for everyone to have an “A-Ha” moment.
  5. And I can’t forget to mention how FUN National Training is – between our cocktail parties, the lively atmosphere and the opportunity to celebrate and build camaraderie with other consultants and network – it’s truly irreplaceable.  I’m still very good friends with two Consultants I met when I first started out; one was from Oregon and the other Wyoming, and we looked forward to that time as often the only time we could get away and have “girl time” with one another. 

I’m looking forward to seeing all of you, hearing your stories and sharing in your newfound excitement about owning and operating your very own Pure Romance business!


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