Love Comes In All Shapes and Sizes

Have you ever noticed how gyms are always so packed during the month of January? Losing weight is often one of people’s number one resolutions for the New Year, and it’s also a subject that is often swept under the rug in regard to its relationship to intimacy.

Fortunately, according to a recent article, extra weight is “no big deal in women’s sex life” – on average overweight/obese women have the same number of male partners during their lifetime or during a 12-month period as do healthy-weight women. I’m happy to say that Pure Romance has 30,000 female Consultants nationwide of all different shapes and sizes who have discovered sexual empowerment and confidence in and out of the bedroom, and are helping other women to achieve the self-love to do the same.

It’s disheartening to witness instances where women have felt embarrassed to be intimate, or find themselves in emotionally abusive relationships where they are attacked because of their weight. A woman truly needs to first love herself before she can ever engage in a loving relationship with someone else. If she is with a partner who belittles her weight or is not interested in being intimate because of changes in her weight, she should consider if this relationship is truly a healthy partnership that is worth keeping. Desire often fluctuates in long-term relationships and it’s important that partners both work to enhance intimacy and show appreciation for one another.

In the end, if a woman is suffering from obesity it should be her decision to make a change, and should be a motivation that comes from the desire to begin working toward a healthier lifestyle – not because a partner has damaged their self-esteem. After all, when it comes to love and intimacy good things definitely come in big and small packages!

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